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While many see physiotherapy as a part of healthcare that is mainly aimed at healing the injured and helping athletes to improve performance, there is so much more to this highly specialised field. There are clinics popping up all over, but what should you expect from physiotherapy and how can we help to your daily life? 

Listed below are 10 ways that physiotherapy can improve your overall lifestyle so that you can continue with your usual activities of daily living.

1. Holistic Healing

For starters, physiotherapists can help to alleviate pain, improve your body mechanics to reduce pain, aid in injury rehabilitation, prevent & decrease headaches, while helping to improve blood circulation, decrease blood pressure & promote overall wellness.  Not bad considering physiotherapists do not prescribe medications for the healing process.

2. Assist in preventing surgery

Physiotherapists can find the root cause of your pain & can guide you through a series of exercises, stretches & postural activities.  Some techniques can provide immediate pain relief & in other situations positive results develop over the course of a few sessions.  This is only one example, but if you are considering surgery for something that a physiotherapist can look at, why not give it a try?

3. Improve athletic performance

Physiotherapists are experts on muscles and body mechanics, so this would be the best source of any fitness “guru.” We use manual therapy as well as, technologically advanced tools & gadgets, to find the best way to utilise muscles in the body.  Consider physiotherapy as an effective method for improving your athletic ability and for improving your active lifestyle.

4. Manage a disease 

A great option for diabetics & for patients with poor blood circulation (which is often caused by diabetes).  Typically we use exercise as a way to manage diabetes and help to improve blood flow to certain parts of the body.  In addition to diabetes, physiotherapy is a great choice for patients undergoing chemotherapy & much more. Physiotherapy can help to manage weakness and lethargy associated with many health issues & can be a great source of motivation throughout your treatment & recovery process. 

5. Improve balance

Falls are a major cause of hip fractures & pain, broken bones, as well as head injuries. We commonly work with patients in falls prevention programs.  The physiotherapist or exercise physiologist may ask you about your home set-up, to help identify things that can place you at risk of a fall (such as loose rugs, pets, and bath mats).  In addition, physiotherapists will assess your balance & provide you with a tailored program to suit your needs & goals.

6. Treat incontinence

Incontinence can be an extremely embarrassing & distressing problem. So much so, that some people are fearful of attending social functions & stop participating in physical activity which is very negative for health & well being. A pelvic floor physiotherapist is able to help improve control of pelvic floor muscles & deal with other related bladder & bowel issues. Pelvic floor exercises are considered the first-line treatment for incontinence. Managing incontinence effectively can be life changing.

7. Manage arthritis

Physiotherapy can definitely help with arthritis. We direct many patients on how to safely and properly exercise with arthritis.  The use of physiotherapy can also be a holistic way to manage pain without the use of pain-relieving medications, which have side effects.

8. Assist in the management of blood pressure

Physiotherapists can show you how to recognise physical signs of stress that can increase blood pressure, & ways to manage this. Relaxation exercises & deep breathing programs. Losing weight & exercising regularly are also important ways to reduce your blood pressure. 

9. Improve your quality of life

Your quality of life may not be what it should be for a number of different reasons – health & mobility issues are often a large factor. Unable to participate in sport, recreational activities or social events due to pain or a lack of physical capacity? Your mental health may be suffering due to these issues or due to excess weight or other health issues that can be improved with a well directed exercise or activity program. A physiotherapist is an excellent option to guide you through the process of regaining your quality of life.

10. Prevent injuries from occurring

Injuries are an inevitable part of life, to an extent.  Being physically active has its perks, but an active lifestyle has a greater risk of injury as well.  Physiotherapy can definitely help to prevent injuries from occurring; however, it should be known that not all injuries can be prevented. Physiotherapists are able to identify problems with muscle strength, coordination, balance, flexibility and your training regime to gain a better picture as to the risk of an injury.